If you're struggling to keep your covenants and wondering to yourself "Where do I even begin?" I'd like to share with you something the Holy Ghost recently revealed to me and has helped me immensely. Today we'll be discussing three key principles and how they build upon each other to help us keep our covenants. I pray, that even if there's more work to do than the suggestions I offer, I pray that this will bring you one step closer to our Savior Jesus Christ.
In an April 2024 General Conference talk by Elder Jack N. Gerard of the Seventy called "Integrity: A Christlike Attribute", Elder Gerard says "Living a life of integrity requires us to be true to God, to each other, and to our divine identity." When we have integrity, we naturally do our best to always keep our covenants and do what is right no matter the consequence- we let God's will prevail. Integrity is an essential and Christlike attribute that helps us to keep our covenants. Look to Jesus Christ as your example for what integrity looks like, and pray that Heavenly Father may strengthen where you lack. Most likely, the Spirit will prompt you to learn what we'll discuss next to help you build your integrity.
When you look up humility in the topical guide, you'll notice that the related terms listed are: Contrite heart; Meek; Poor in Spirit; Submissiveness; Teachable. To be humble is to recognize you're a sinner by nature, that you're weak and imperfect, that you need the Lord's help, to trust that Jesus Christ can help you, and to be willing to seek and submit to His perfect will. To keep your covenants faithfully and have integrity, one must first be humble. Pride is the root of all sin, are you ready to set that aside and be humble so that you may be changed through your covenants with Jesus Christ and have eternal joy? Lift up the Lord and bring yourself down in humility in all that you do, and soon you'll have a greater desire to have integrity and keep your covenants.
There are many things you can do to increase your desire and ability to be humble, but one practical suggestion I'd like to offer you is that of gratuity. When we take the time to recognize Jesus Christ's hand in our life, we can begin to see our weaknesses and need for a Savior, we'll begin to rely on Him, seek His counsel, and trust He will deliver and redeem us. Say a prayer of gratitute for every blessing you receive and maybe even journal it to reflect on later. If you need help, ask Heavenly Father to help you better recognize the blessings in your life. One thing you can always be grateful for is the atonement! Over time as you practice expressing your gratuity in prayer, you'll become more humble and feel more inclined to express your gratuity to God by submitting to Him and doing His will. Taking the time to be grateful will not only bless you, but help you to grow tremendously spiritually.
So where can you begin? Practice gratuity, learn to be humble. In your humility, strengthen your ability to have integrity. Over time with patience and diligence, keeping your covenants will become your new normal. Remember to pray in faith for help in applying these principles, and trust that as you put forth your best, God will handle the rest. I testify of these truths to you in the sacred and holy name of our Lord, Savior, and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.