"...that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass..." Alma 37:6
Whether you're a recent convert or born into the church, we all have times where we run into a spiritual rut. It can be for any reason. Doubts, sins we struggle to let go of, feeling overwhelmed. We hit a a point where we feel like we can't keep going, but we know we have to, we're just not sure how we can keep this up. So what should we do if not give up?
In a church filled with almost infinite opportunities to serve, learn, worship, and commune with others- its easy to feel like being a disciple of Jesus Christ isn't for you if THIS is what it requires. But let's get this straight, you don't have to take every opportunity under the sun. The reason there is so many is because it gives a chance for everyone to participate when they can, not so you can participate in everything.
Evaluate what you can handle and what you can't, keep what's valuable and put the rest on pause.
Some seasons you might be the busiest bee, but for now, maybe God needs you to withdraw a bit (not quit) to focus on something He is trying to teach you. If all you can handle is sacrement meeting, a scripture verse a day, a calling you're barely holding on to, and a single daily prayer- then hey, do what you have to to keep what's essential in the forefront. It's okay to say now isn't a good time!
The Lord Loves Effort
The Lord loves effort! What's important is that you sincerely do your best to continually draw nearer to your Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. They don't expect you to be perfect, that's Their job. Take everything one step at a time, moment by moment. Don't beat yourself up if your best doesn't look like someone else's, your relationship with God is between you and God, only He knows your heart the way He does. Everyday, just make it your goal to give it your best, and try to improve even just by 1% everyday if you can. In time, this season of spiritual rut will end, and you'll have maintained (or even strenghtened) your spiritual foundation in the process instead of losing it.
His Grace Is Sufficient
This is the most important thing to keep in mind. The Lord's grace IS sufficient.
It's easy to feel like we'll never get where we want to be and we'll never get through a tough season, and maybe that would be the case if you just relied on yourself. But as you keep your covenants, Jesus keeps His. He suffered not only for your sins, but your pains, sicknesses, afflictions- He knows exactly how to help you and He will! The key is to give your best, pray to God for help, and trust in the Lord's ability to cover where you lack with His grace. So keep moving forward, you're not on your own.
By small and simple things are great things brought to pass. As you ponder these things and make small changes, you might find this season you're going through isn't hopeless, and maybe even has something to offer you. As you strive to apply these principles, remember to commune with your Heavenly Father in prayer as you seek strength, guidance, and hope. You can get through this, and you won't do it alone!