For a tree to bear fruit, a process must be followed. For your testimony to bear fruit, a similar process must be followed. Today we'll be discussing how you too can have a fruitful testimony.
Planting a Seed
First, you must plant the seed! The best way to do this is to study the scriptures intentionally to learn more about Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon contains the fullness of the everlasting gospel and testifies of our Redeemer Jesus Christ, so its a great place to start. Study the Book of Mormon with an open heart, mind, and spirit, and then prayerfully ask Heavenly Father to reveal to you if it is true. In time, I promise you God will reveal to you that it is true and Jesus Christ really is our Redeemer.
Once you have your seedling of a testimony, it's important to nourish it in order for it to bear the fruit of faith and righteousness. Continue to read the Book of Mormon, study it daily. Pray daily, as often as you can about anything and everything. If you've chosen to make baptismal covenants, remember to keep them so that they may strengthen your testimony of the gospel. Strive to do things that bring you closer to The Savior such as partaking of the sacrament, temple worship, serving others, etc.
Now comes maintenance. Maintenance comes in two parts: continuing to nourish and removing any obstacles that may hinder growth. Continue to do the things you do to nourish your testimony, and consider what obstacles you may have that are hindering growth. Do you need to repent of something or cut something out of your life that is stagnating your testimony? Now is the time- if not taken care of soon the roots of your testimony can begin to rot!
Plants require special care in order to bear good fruit, so it's important to be engaged with caring for your testimony if you desire to see the fruit living the gospel can bear. If you plant a seed, nourish it, and preform regular maintenance- I guarantee you that your testimony will not only sprout, but bloom and bear good fruits. With patience and care, you too can taste the sweet fruits of faith.