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5 Ways To Revitalize Your Faith

What to do when your faith becomes stagnant.

It happens to all of us, eventually, we hit a season where our faith becomes stagnant or dull. If not cared for properly, it can eventually deteriorate. So what can we do? A lot! Here are five methods you can try separately or all at once to revitalize, strentghen, and grow your faith.


First up, prayer! This one might seem a little bit obvious, but how can you have a relationship with someone you don't even spend time with or speak to? To reignite your faith, take the time to pray not only more often, but about all things, and do so sincerely. Sometimes our faith can feel stuck because we're simply not praying enough, not including God in everything, or being sincere when we speak to Him. Worry less about what you say and just speak to Him as you would a beloved friend- and remember to take the time not only to speak but to listen!

Study the Book of Mormon

I'm sure you've heard this one more times than you can count but hear me out. Studying the the Book of Mormon is one of the best ways to come to know Jesus Christ and strengthen your faith in Him. So if you're not studying it daily, its time to start. And if you are studying it daily, you're not off the hook just yet. Try enriching your study. Pray beforehand, journal what stands out to you, apply what you learn, select a theme for your study and highlight or underline everything you find within that theme, cross reference your latest general conference notes. Find a way to more intentionally study the Book of Mormon and watch your faith flourish!


I'm a firm believer that service is one of the best ways to connect to Jesus Christ and fill up your cup of faith. When we serve others, we ultimately serve Him, so seek opportunities to serve! It can be in or out of the church. It doesn't have to be extravagent, just sincere charity being led by the Spirit. Asking for a calling, serving in the temple as a patron or ordinance worker, or helping out at the Bishop's Storehouse are great places to start but be sure to keep an eye out for all opportunities big or small, in and outside of the church.

Share Your Testimony

Have you ever noticed that when you share your testimony, your faith feels stronger and more on fire than before? Even if you were struggling with your testimony at the time? That's because when we testify of truth, we invite the Spirit whom bears the fruits of faith in our hearts! So share your testimony more often. It can be casually online or with a friend on a lunch date, it can be during fast and tesimony meeting, or you can accompany your ward's missionaries on their next visit (seriously they love this, just ask). As you take opportunities to share your testimony more often you'll remember what you believe and why, strengthen your faith, and reignite your hope in Christ.

Worship at the Temple

Saved the best for last! The temple is the house of the Lord, or as I often refer to it, the hospital of the Lord. The best thing you can do when your faith is feeling weak is to go to the temple! The combination of serving, learning, worshipping, and communing with the Spirit is just the prescription you need to revitalize that faith. Make regular temple worship a priority, as often as your circumstances permit. If you've yet to receive your endowment, I highly recommend that you take the steps necessary to receive it. Personally that was exactly what I needed when I felt stuck, so maybe its your time to take the step to make further covenants with your Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ!

I testify to you that as you implement these things your faith will be strengthened, revitalized, and flourish. I know, from direct experience. Don't shy away from the Lord just because you don't feel as faithful as you once were, rather, choose to act in faith regardless of your feelings. I promise, it'll be worth it as your faith and relationship with your Savior increases immeasurably. In Jesus Christ's name, amen.

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